Press Release

Governance in aviation bodies – Summary of key findings

28 Jul 2017

A review of governance in Cayman Islands’ three aviation bodies found that a number of the issues identified in our December 2013 report remained, although some actions have now been taken, says Sue Winspear, Auditor General of the Cayman Islands, in her report issued today. The report, Governance in aviation bodies – Summary of key findings”, highlights the common themes arising from the audits of governance in Cayman Airways, Ltd. Cayman Islands Airport Authority and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands.

The audits measured progress in addressing the issues raised in the Office of the Auditor General reports on accountability and governance of Statutory Authorities and Government Companies that were published in December 2013.

“We concluded that a number of the issues that we previously identified in our original report on governance in SAGCs remained. We therefore identified a number of recommendations for improvement. Some of these need to be taken by the SAGCs and others need to be taken by the Government,” said Ms. Winspear.

The Auditor General’s report provides a high-level summary of the common themes that emerged from the three audits. It highlights the need for proper rotation of board members, consideration of skills and experience needed when appointing board members, clarity around the roles and responsibilities of board members, and better training for board members.

“In response to our original report, the Government prepared the Public Authorities Law 2017 to strengthen governance in the Statutory Authorities and Government Companies. This legislation addresses some of the recommendations that we would have made again,” said Ms. Winspear.

The report also identifies the need for boards to provide a strategic focus, discuss and approve important documents, have clear processes for transparent decision making, improve their engagement with stakeholders and review Chief Executive Officers job descriptions.

“We reported back to each of the bodies on our findings and made recommendations to them. Since our audits were completed, all three bodies have taken actions and plan to take further action to improve their governance arrangements. We are pleased with the progress made and that further actions are planned during 2017,” said the Auditor General.  

The Auditor General has considered the actions already taken or planned, including the new Public Authorities Law 2017 and by the aviation bodies. In doing so, she has identified a number of recommendations to Government that could further strengthen governance in SAGCs.

More information about these reports can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Auditor General at (345) 244-3201.  The reports are available at  

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