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Thu 21 NovThe economy is performing well but the cost of living is high
Tue 19 Nov39 public bodies received clean audit opinions for 2023 but concerns continue about the quality of financial statements and non-compliance with legislation
Thu 01 AugAuditor General delays issue of December 2021 report on the Integrated Solid Waste Management System, Regen
Mon 03 JunA national policy is needed to improve employment prospects for Caymanians
Mon 11 MarCayman Airways Limited contributes over $200 million to the economy annually, but consistently makes losses and how it is funded is unclear
Mon 27 NovKey Management Personnel across the Government and Civil Service earned about $45 million in 2022
Fri 27 OctPublic sector entities’ financial reporting is good, but more needs to be done
Wed 05 JulOAG’s “Around the Town Relay 4 x 1 Team Relay” raises CI$15,500 for charity
Mon 20 MarMore effort is needed to meet important environmental targets
Thu 09 MarAuditor General disappointed with slow progress
Tue 22 NovAuditor General seeks views on performance audits programme
Mon 17 OctPublic sector entities’ financial reporting is good but more needs to be done
Wed 12 OctAuditor General disappointed with slow progress in implementing recommendations
Fri 24 JunThe Government has shifted many services online but more customer improvements are possible
Thu 12 MayCOVID-19 has impacted Government finances by at least $333 million
Tue 01 MarAuditor General disappointed that only a third of recommendations implemented
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