Audits & Insights

Our Work

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) is responsible for auditing public sector organizations to ensure accountability, transparency, and the effective use of public funds in government operations.

Cayman flag shining

As the "Watchdog of Government spending" the OAG supports the Parliament in holding the Government to account for its spending and for providing value for money in public services. However we seek to balance this watchdog role by helping Government to improve by promoting  good governance, transparency and accountability in the use of public funds through our work.

We carry out this role on a day to day basis by undertaking three strands of work:

  • Financial statement audits of the Entire Public Sector (EPS) consolidated financial statements, and of each ministry, portfolio, statutory authority and government company.
  • Performance and compliance audits that promote the efficient, effective and economic use of scarce public resources across ministries, portfolios, statutory authorities or government companies.
  • Support and assistance to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

Financial Audit

Financial statement audits of the Entire Public Sector (EPS) consolidated financial statements, and of each ministry, portfolio, statutory authority and government company.

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Performance Audits

Our performance audits are based on a planned and published work programme, covering efficiency, effectiveness, economy, governance and accountability.

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Public Interest Reports

Public interest reports are focused on important issues identified during the year, and which in the public interest, should be reported to the Parliament in as short a time frame as possible.

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Supporting PAC

Our relationship with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is central to our role of serving the Parliament.

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