
The rules we follow when we procure

The Procurement Act and Regulation govern the procurement practices of the Office of the Auditor General. To more clearly guide our staff members in managing procurement projects, the OAG put into place its own policy:

Currently active OAG open procurement

We currently do not have any open procurement on the go. Visit us again or the Bonfire Hub, the central procurement portal of the Cayman Islands Government.

Publication of contract awards

Public sector entities in the Cayman Islands like us are required to publish notices of awards for any type of procurement.

To view past competitive procurement

The button below will take you to the Cayman Islands Government's Bonfire Hub, a central procurement portal. This links directly to past opportunities in the OAG click on the Bonfire link below. When you get to that webpage, search using "OAG".

To view past direct awards

The button below will take you to our listing of Direct Awards on this website.

Find a Report

Select from the options below and click 'Apply' to search for your report.