Winston Sobers
Winston joined the Office of the Auditor General in October 2009 as a Senior Auditor, moving to the post of Audit Manager in 2016. He acted as Deputy Auditor General (Financial Audit) from September 2022 to May 2024 until he was subsequently appointed to the post. As Deputy Auditor General (Financial Audit), he is responsible for the financial audit practice and other major corporate responsibilities.
Winston has over 23 years of audit experience working in the public and private sectors in an external audit capacity. He began his audit career with Deloitte & Touche (Barbados) in 1999 and subsequently worked at other private sector big four firms KPMG and PriceWaterhouse. He briefly specialized in hedge funds at UBS Fund Services from 2007 to 2009 until he took up his post with the OAG.
He is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Accountants (FCCA) and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).
Winston has a keen interest in health and wellness. He obtained professional certifications in nutrition and personal training while being an avid long-distance coach and runner. In 2016, he formed the non-profit organisation Movers For Life to support health and wellness in the Cayman Islands.