11 Nov 2011
Full disclosure
Description Brief:
- Within the last 5 years how much training was and continues to be provided to non-Caymanians. Provide the following details listed: 1) Name; 2) Post; 3) Cost; 4) Type of training; 5) Reason for training; 6) Qualification/Certification/Degree earned; and 7) Was training required for position and if yes then why person was hired without it?
- Within the last 5 years how much has been spent on renewing professional qualifications of non-Caymanians. Provide the following details listed: 1) Name; 2) Post; 3) Cost; 4) Type of qualification; 5) Was qualification earned before or after being hired; and 6) Was the qualification required for the position?
- Provide a list of all duty and acting paid to Heads and Deputy Heads of Departments and Authorities within the last 5 years. Also, provide the same information for Chief Officers, Deputy Chief Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Deputy Chief Financial Officers for each Ministry and Portfolio. Provide the following details: 1) Name; 2) Post; 3) Amount compensated by month and year; 4) Reason for compensation; 5) Approver of compensation
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