Register of Interests

The purpose of the OAG's register of interests is to identify those activities and interests which the Auditor General and members of the OAG consider they should volunteer into the public domain because those interests might be interpreted as carrying a risk of bias in the conduct of the person's OAG’s duties.

Due to the nature of the OAG’s work and clear need for the OAG to be and seen to be independent and free from influence, all staff are required to make a submission, no matter whether they have any relevant interests or not. All OAG staff are formally required to make a declaration at the beginning of each calendar year, and when a new interest arises during the course of the year. The OAG's register of interests is open to public inspection during office hours, and the declarations of the OAG’s senior management team are available below.

More details on the OAG's policy on conflicts of interest can be found in our OAG Register of Interest Policy 2022, our OAG Code of Conduct 2022 and our Ethics & Independence Policy 2023.

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