Proactive Disclosure

Fundamental principles of good governance in the public sector include integrity, transparency and accountability. The importance of meeting these principles for the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) is fundamental to its integrity and credibility in holding the rest of the public sector to account for their actions and use of scarce public resources. The OAG is committed to economy, transparency, accountability and the highest ethical standards in how it is managed and administered.

To support these fundamental principles the OAG proactively discloses through our website various information about how OAG is managed. Specifically, we disclose the following information:

  • Senior management remuneration including salary, allowances and pension contributions
  • Hospitality received by senior management
  • Hospitality provided by senior management
  • Travel expenses of senior management
  • Interests of senior management
  • All individual items of expenditure greater than $10,000
  • All individual contracts greater than $25,000

Our proactive disclosures are designed to provide additional transparency about the internal transactions of the OAG. We consider that making these disclosures is an important element in providing accountability for the operations of the OAG as well as supporting freedom of information.

We make our disclosures following Proactive Disclosure Policy.

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